The Craftsmanship of Lines and Spaces

I have needed to cry for two months, but it has not happened.
This week has presented plenty of opportunities for me to cry.  
Car broke down in Red Oak... no tears. 
iPhone (most prized possession) dies... no tears.
Horrific argument with my father... no tears.
Eisley lyrics... no tears.
Feeling serious hurt for a good friend dealing with unrequited love... no tears.

At first, I believed it was because I was getting stronger.
Then, I feared it was because I was becoming numb.
At last... it happened.

Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 From the New World (4th Movement)
That piece of music has meant so much to me.  Everything it represents parallels my life.
The Music Itself: The beginning is so haunting.  Like a warning to step away or something horrible is going to happen.  But, as you draw your freshly rosined bow across the four strings, you find yourself getting lost in the beauty of the music.  Even the haunting beginning is beautiful.  Certainly it requires a swift movement of your wrist and the careful positioning of your body, but in order for the music to transform into a story it requires something more. Soul.  Visible passion.  The convulsion of your body as your whole being pours into telling the story.  By the end of the piece, you are exhausted.  Your bow needs to be rosined.  You have nothing more to give.  You wonder if it was worth giving anything at all.  Why did you not listen to the ominous melody of the opening bars?

The Past: It has been 3 years since we all played this wonderful piece on a stage together for a man we loved.  He taught us how to grow, how to love, and how to pick up the pieces when everything fell apart.  2005 was such a wonderful year for me.  We began working on the Dvorak then, and the eerie beginning (although obviously ominous) seemed so playful.  It was fun to step in someone else's shoes for a while.  As spring came, and we poured more of ourselves into the piece it became clearer that we were living the story.  Something was not right.  Sure enough, summer came and tore everything apart.  My heart was shattered, my dad spent most of the summer in the hospital, Wyatt was shot, and Stringer left us.  That's the price we pay for becoming so wrapped up in the music's story.  

The Present: Despite the incredible amount of strength depicted in the piece, I feel an overwhelming amount of weakness each time I hear it.  I love how it still connects all of us.  One of the eight posts it somewhere, and we all know we are in the same place: abandoned, feeling insecure, wondering if what we give will ever be enough.  One feels the hurt for all eight, and we all cry.  This piece brought out the best in us one night on a stage, but now highlights our every faults.  Oh, how it depicts all of my frustrations.  A piece of music without lyrics says all the things I can not say.  It says all the things I would never dare to say.  As I hurt for a friend that is hurting (outside the eight) I wonder if I should pass on this music to him.  I wonder if it will offer him the same twisted hope it offers all of us.  Maybe he will come out of it like we all did: so much stronger, braver, and human.  

Oh, Dvorak.  Do you know what you have done to my soul?  To my head?  It is more clouded than ever.  I tried to listen to Greig's Ase's Tod, but it does not evoke the same emotions it once did.  Oh, you frustrate me with your genius craftsmanship of lines and spaces.  I pray I remain brave.  I pray I know when to crescendo and decrescendo.  I pray I know when to rest and when to play with my frog close to the bridge.   


I'll Talk to Our Gravity Experts

two nights this week spent with ben rector.
every night this week spent with old friends and new friends. 
watching king baby (extended version).
oh, how i love the simple things.

3 New Songs (DEFINITELY in the works...they don't even have titles)

"when you got to go, don't say 'goodbye,' say 'i'll see you soon,' cause that's a good bye." - aaron espe

My head is screaming at me.  
I have a million things to think about and no time to form any rational thought.
Only panic is coming now.
I have to make some decisions sooner than expected.
I have thoughts that come and go; conflicting, of course.
The woman at the Valero calls me darling every day.  One of my best buddies, David Ramirez, told me he loved me today.  Zac kisses me.  All that to say, all of my bases are covered.  I have people who tell me what I want to hear, people who care about me, and people who show me affection.  Maybe that's why I am so content with having what I have with him; even if it isn't much.  I don't need him to call me darling, tell me he loves me, or kiss me.  Yet, there's that something about him that sets him apart.  THOSE are the parts of him I must subconsciously crave.  He challenges me.  He is brutally honest with me.  

Too tired.  Here are some songs I'm working on: 

"Severed Kites" - jaimee harris (2009)

For you a thousand times
For you a thousand times, I'd give you my shoulder
For you a thousand times, a thousand white & better lies
For you a thousand times over

We were growing up so envious
I didn't know
But I cried a million times the day I made you go
I never knew what that phrase you said meant
Until I replayed it a thousand times in my own head

For you a thousand times
For you a thousand times, I'd give you my shoulder
For you a thousand times, a thousand white & better lies
For you a thousand times over

As I felt my feet sink into the sand
I realized I'll never know you as a man 
If I took back all of those things I said
You'd be walking here with me, you wouldn't be dead

For you a thousand times
For you a thousand times, I'd give you my shoulder
For you a thousand times, a thousand white & better lies
For you a thousand times over

Would I take it all back and change?  
I wouldn't
I will always be selfish
I will never stray, I'll stay the same

For you a thousand times
For you a thousand times, I'd give you my shoulder
For you a thousand times, a thousand white & better lies
For you a thousand times over

For you a thousand times
For you thousand times, I'd give you my shoulder
For you a thousand severed kites flying up in the sky
For you a thousand times over

"?" - jaimee harris (2009)

Mr. State Capitol, why are you sad?
Don't think about it, just go back to bed
You will feel better by morning I swear
If not, let me know & I'll rush to be there

The city which after you're named for
Frequently shuts down due to the snow
I feel as if you're the same damn way
One day you're open, the next you are closed

Mr. State Capitol, why do you wander?
Keep your eyes fixed on me, you will discover
The love that shines behind these blue eyes is for you
I don't know if you want it now, but I hope you do soon

The city which after you're named for
Frequently shuts down due to the snow
I feel as if you're the same damn way
One day you're open the next you are closed

Mr. State Capitol, don't hold my heart lightly
Cling to it, keep to it at your side tightly
And if you find out you must let it go
I don't want to be the last girl to know

The city which after you're named for
Frequently shuts down due to the snow
I feel as if you're the same damn way
One day you're open the next you are closed

"?" - jaimee harris (2009)

Baby, won't you come & lie down next to me
You don't have to smile, you can close your eyes if you're tired
You never look at me when they are open any way
Baby, won't you come and lie down next to me

Baby, won't you come & talk to me a while
You don't have to say anything important, just pretend that you're interested
And kiss me before the lights go off so I can pretend we're something that we're not
Baby, won't you come & talk to me a while

The whole world is crashing down on the both of us
It's not confusing, love, this is black & white lust
But we'll never learn how to love if we never learn how to trust what is happening between the both of us.

Baby, why do you vanish for days?
What the hell are you doing, except driving me insane?
I'm letting you go now, I don't really have a choice
Baby, why do you vanish for days?

The whole world is crashing down on the both of us
It's not confusing, love, this is black & white lust
But we'll never learn how to love if we never learn how to trust what is happening between the both of us.