Vagabonds, Highways, & Classic Literature

Oh, the past week has been incredible.  Beyond incredible, in fact.  Monday night, I got to spend some time with my dear friend David Ramirez. I miss him so much!  We talked, briefly, about life and music (as always).  I FINALLY got to hear some of the tracks on American Soil.  Get ready America.  It's basically epic.   As seems to be a theme with this month, I reconnected with a friend I assumed dropped off the face of the Earth: Tia.  She is now one of the TOMS Vagabonds (talk about dream job).  We spent the entire night catching up, goofing off, and making life plans.  I totally forgot how incredibly fun she is!  We instantly became best friends.  Hajar, the other TOMS Vagabond, and I also became instant pals.  She has such a big heart and a passion that is contagious.  Oh man, I love her already.  The whole night was so comfortable, crazy, and fun.  Even though I barely know these girls, I feel like I have known them forever.  The best way to describe it is this:  It's like calling one of your best friends you haven't talked to for weeks. The conversation is so refreshing and lively, because you have so much new information to dish out.  That is EXACTLY how it felt to catch up with these girls.  I can absolutely not wait to do it again on Friday. 

Thursday night, after a day of illness, I drove to see Sara and Marshall in Abilene.  We started off the night with some delicious Chinese food (of which 1/2 ended up in my lap).  After we inhaled that, we made our way "downtown" to go smoke cigars at the Leaf. The Leaf is a really cool coffee/cigar bar of which 90% of its inhabitants sport Tombstone facial hair.  Unfortunately, it was closed by the time we got there so we crossed the street to hang out at Monks.  Monks was an interesting venue/coffee shop/clothing place.  Coffee must not sell well in Abilene due to the fact it's always paired up with several other items.  ANYWAY, I ended up bumming a guitar from some random guy and playing a few songs at their open mic.  Such a good time.  I spent the rest of the night talking about bluegrass with Sara's roommate, Josie. 

I woke up approximately at 2:00 pm the next afternoon.  Sara took me to this amazing steakhouse for my birthday.  The three of us decided, very spontaneously, that we needed some quality time with Mrs. Moak.  We gave her a ring, and she insisted we stay the night.  After an eventful drive to Lubbock, we found ourselves at her dinner table eating chili and homemade pecan pie (yes, more eating).  She was so excited to see us!  Our hearts basically exploded when we saw her.  The four of us stayed up talking about every area of life imaginable: science, medicine, college, high school, great literature, bad television, music, life plans.  Oh, how we idolize this woman.  She has been my hero for so long, yet I could not ignore the feeling that something was different about her.  Perhaps, she desperately misses the opportunity to change kid's lives every day through her occupation.  What she fails to realize is she STILL changes me every day.  Just as literature is living, and therefore forever changing, so are the words she said.  They echo and bounce off  the walls of my head so often.  Almost every day, I find myself putting something she taught me to use.  After Mrs. Moak headed off to bed, Morgan picked me up and took me to Jordan's.  What a great time!  Osam was even better looking than I remember (and smarter, too....mmmmm), Preston attempted to dance (mixed feelings), Melissa was just plain in love with me, and Jordan was Jordan.  We attempted to play Settlers of Catan, but our brains were too frantic to focus.  

The next day was quite the adventure.  Mrs. Moak made us breakfast, and we enjoyed chatting with her and seeing her react to her husband's teasing.  It was so precious.  We spent a good chunk of the trip back listening to opera (I need to listen to more of that stuff), Ben Rector, and Ben Gibbard.  I made it to work on time by driving an average speed of 95 MPH on HWY 6.  

Today was great.  I didn't have to work, so I wrote two songs, updated my MySpace with new music (www.myspace.com/jaimeeharrismusic), added music to my iLike page, and watched 5 movies.  Overall, a great day.  Overall, a great weekend.  I am so blessed with beautiful friends who genuinely care about me.  

"Leave your mark on me so if we part, I can still remember you.  Leave your mark, just leave it somewhere on me." - Jessie Baylin

"I'm telling my friends I gotta go.  I need rest, but I'm running for the phone.  I think Casey knows.  But, oh I just love you."- Dear & the Headlights


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